love advice

7 Ways To Keep Your Relationship Strong

My husband and I have been married for just over 30 years. We joke that we have been happy for most of them.


Are Your Relationship Doubts Normal Or Toxic?

You’ve met someone new and things are progressing well. Good for you. You feel like a grown up, you’re doing all the “right” things and suddenly, you feel that pit in your stomach. It’s doubt...

We've all had a clinger or two.

Ask Erin!: Do I Keep Seeing Someone I’m Not Sure About?

I met a girl on Tinder. Our first date went pretty well. We hit it off. We’ve had 2 more dates since, including spending a day in the park and grabbing dinner and most recently watching a movie/fooling around.


5 Signs You're In A Desperate Relationship

You might not know the truth even as you’re living it. Each day passes into the next and you remain oblivious, always living and trying your hardest with the kernel of fear in your heart. Maybe you’ve gotten used to ignoring it, this dread as it picks at you, boring into you.


Ask Erin!: Is He Just Not That Into Me?

Also, in my experience, a little cold never stopped me (or anyone I was dating who was interested in me) from going out with someone I liked. Maybe that’s socially irresponsible, in terms of exposing others to germs, but it’s true! (Unless we are talking stomach flu/food poisoning etc. because that’s just gross.)


How Love Letters Help Keep Your Love Alive

No relationship is immune to the pitfalls of routine. No matter how much love exists between two people, without gratitude, it fizzles.


Relationships On Autopilot Will Crash Every Time

Anyone who commutes to work has had the experience of arriving at the office and not even remembering the process of getting there.

You deserve the best.

The 6 Most Important Traits To Look For In A Partner

Anyone can be “nice.” Nice involves a surface-level politeness that does not have to be genuine and it does not require empathy or integrity.
