long distance relationships

Image credit: Pablo Heimplatz via Unsplash

These 3 Factors Will Determine Who You Marry

Love is in our reach, but still always somewhat out of our hands. Here are three factors that will determine who you marry.

Long distance relationships are hard, but they don't have to be doomed.

6 Things To Know If You're Considering A Long Distance Relationship

If you’re considering dating someone long distance, about to expand the geographic reach on your OKCupid profile, or just wondering what kinds of boundaries you should make in this area, here’s what you need to know about long distance love, from someone who has been there and back.

I know that every relationship ending can leave some loose ends, but this feels surreal — like what we had never existed.

Ask Erin: How Can I Get Closure After A Sudden Breakup?

I just had a long-distance relationship abruptly end. I have had relationships end abruptly before and sometimes painfully, but this recent one was different.


HeadSpaces: I'm A Serial Dater Who Can't Be Alone

HeadSpaces is a column featuring the clever minds of psychologists Dr. Rachel Kozlowski and Dr. Naomi Ben-Ami discussing modern romance.


HeadSpaces: Are Long Distance Relationships Hopeless?

HeadSpaces is a brand new column featuring the brilliant minds of psychologists Dr. Rachel Kozlowski and Dr. Naomi Ben-Ami discussing modern romance.
