5 Quick Facts About The SCOTUS Gay Marriage Case

Last fall, we told you that the Supreme Court of the Un


Trans Weightlifter Leads Men's Health "Ultimate Guy" Contest

In "Maybe the World Isn't So Bad After All" news, Aydian Dowling is in the lead for this year's Me


Indiana Hires PR Firm To Fix Reputation In Wake Of "Religious Freedom" Bill

Here's a job I definitely wouldn't want: PR fixer in Indiana, aka the former Hoosier State now known as That Horrifying Hellhole Of LGBTQ Hate.


Say Hello To The Boy Scouts' First Openly Gay Camp Leader

Boy Scouts of America provide a fairly awesome assortment of opportunities for young men.


A's Girlfriend Banishes Haters From LGBT Night

Recently, the Oakland Athletics (A's) declared their June 17 game


Apple CEO Rips Into LGBTQ Discrimination Laws—And It's Glorious

Outrage was sparked across the nation when Indiana and Arkansas announced their intention to enact


J.K. Rowling Defends Dumbledore, Gays, Humanity In General

We've long known that J.K.


Trans Teen Stars In Clean & Clear Ad

It can be hard to avoid feelings of cynicism when watching treacly, feel-good TV ads—we're lookin' at you,
