
We need to talk about how the APA is Fat-Shaming Kids!

APA To Release Guidelines For Fat-Shaming Kids For Profit

What happens when you suggest diet behavior to a kid who’s about to grow a foot? How do you affect their growth? How to you affect their health? This is fat-shaming kids!

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

Talking To (And Teaching) Our Kids About 9/11

Talking with our kids about tragedy will never be easy, but it will always be important.

image credit: Thinkstock

Why Are We So Stressed All The Time?

From our fighting kids to our flailing finances, people are just stressed. We are all just so stressed. And in the absence of real, actual stress, we will create stress.

One day, my daughter wandered up to me: “Mom, did you know that the Mariana Trench is the deepest, darkest place on Earth?” (Image Credit: Instagram/disneyjunior)

The Best TV Show For Kids: Octonauts

When my best friend, who doesn’t have any kids herself, came to visit, not only did she watch Octonauts with the little ones, she later admitted to wanting to watch the show on her own. Yeah. It’s that good.

“This weekend, I had to say ‘Can you please get the dog out of the dishwasher!’ Wish I was kidding.” - Natalie Welsh Diaz

Things You Never Thought You'd Say; Then You Became A Parent

Parenthood is so chaotic that we find ourselves spewing words sometimes that we probably never, ever pictured ourselves saying. Then parenthood happened.

image credit: Oliver Potter via YouTube

This You-Tuber Comes Out To His Little Brother; His Reaction Requires Tissues

Today in, Things Kids Understand What Most Adults Never Will: Vlogger, Oliver Potter's five-year-old brother, Alfie.

The Oregon Coast is not ugly.

Do You Have To Spend Vacation With Your Kids?

You don't have to feel lost without your children, or miss them to the point of paralysis to be a good, even a great, mother.
