
I knew what I was doing was wrong. But that wasn’t what scared me.

I Had An Affair With A Married Man And I Don't Regret It

I knew Mark was married, I knew we shouldn’t have been alone together in his office, but I wanted to know what the kind of desire he spoke of having for me.

But I couldn’t help myself — I was smitten.

3 Things I Learned From My Infidelities

I never thought that I would be the sort of girl who would take part in infidelity, but I have cheated six times. Before the first time, I told myself that if I got to the point where I wanted to step out on my partner, I would end the relationship before I crossed the line. I told myself that the emotional damage that I would inflict on my partner would far surpass any thrill. I told myself I would feel immeasurable guilt.


He Cheated On Me– Now What? A Psychotherapist Shares 5 Ways To Cope With Infidelity

Even though you swore you'd never do this, you just can't help yourself. While he's in the shower, you meticulously go through his phone. You find exactly what you didn't want to see.

Credit: Thinkstock

Investigating Infidelity: An Examination Of Cheating Around The World

A new story about female detectives in India sniffing out cheating spouses demands proper context.
