Jackie A. Castro

Jackie A. Castro


Jackie A. Castro is a licensed Marriage Family Therapist with a private practice in Los Angeles, California. Jackie's gift is being open minded and accepting of all human beings. She is compassionate about their struggles and always maintains an attitude of respect and genuine empathy. She offers individual and couples counseling for all in need—including but not limited to, those in the LGBT community and those who struggle with sexual fetish. She is also the author of the books Fetish and You and Sex, Fetish and Him. You can follow her work on her personal website www.therapywithcare.com.  

Jackie A. Castro Articles

Credit: Thinkstock

On Conversion Therapy And Fetishes: You Can't Fix What Isn't Broken

Just like no one chooses to be gay, lesbian, or transgender, nobody chooses to have a sexual fetish.


Not So Smart After All: 5 Mistakes Couples Make With Their Phones

Did you know that your beloved 6 inches of plastic and programming could very well be the trigger that leads to relationship discord?


He Cheated On Me– Now What? A Psychotherapist Shares 5 Ways To Cope With Infidelity

Even though you swore you'd never do this, you just can't help yourself. While he's in the shower, you meticulously go through his phone. You find exactly what you didn't want to see.

Your future doesn't have to look like this. It can if you want it to, though.

7 Lies Your Mother Told You

If you are in your 20s, chances are good your mom has asked, "When will you give me a grandchild?" You might be expected to have a baby by older generations.
The world is overly populated as it is. Stop and think.

Courtesy of Wikipedia.org

5 Myths Of Sexual Addiction

Cheaters, porn-watchers, oglers, and fetishists are not all sex addicts.

a woman sitting with her therapist

5 Secrets To Good Therapy

"The therapy experience is as unique as you and the person you are seeing. Unlike the doctor/patient experience, it's not all about science. It's a relationship based on compatibility, communication and trust."
