
Photo by Gregory Hayes on Unsplash

Why Do Guys Assume I Want A Relationship?

“What in the hell did I do or say that made you think I wanted to be in a relationship?” I asked him.

"Get clear with yourself about what is important to you. And the fastest way to do that is to spend some time with yourself, not distracted by the romantic partner in front of you."

Ask Erin: Should I Be Worried About Hooking Up With A Younger Guy?

She’s made all the mistakes, so you don’t have to… Ask Erin is a weekly advice column, in which Erin answers your burning questions about anything at all.

 I yearn for intimacy. Image: Thinkstock.

Sex And Intimacy Are Not The Same Thing

Sex is an activity. It’s something we can choose to do or not do — and the passion, the love, the intimacy, those are all different qualities we can ascribe to it based on how it happens and who it’s with. Sex doesn’t have any inherent morality or intimacy, it’s solely about those involved.


New Study Correlates Perceived Promiscuity with Financial Dependence

Researchers at Brunel University believe we're suffering from an evolutionary adaptive lag.


"No Orgies!" Says University of Georgia to Men's Basketball Team

Geez, coaches are no fun.
