
“Showing skin isn’t exclusive to smaller girls. It’s okay for a plus-size woman to let her body breathe in her clothing,” [Mariposa] said.

'We Wear What We Want' Is The Body Positive Movement We All Need

LA-based plus-size model Simone Mariposa has sparked a social media chain of women who refuse to let the opinions of others dictate their clothing choices. “Every plus-size girl has had to bear the terrible brunt of being judged/policed for what we wear and how we wear it,” she tweeted.

Instagram: IT’S NATIONAL DONUT DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Image: Joni Edelman.

An Imagined Conversation With Instagram

Instagram: Don’t eat it though, just hold it. With a stiff, outstretched arm in front of a whimsical mural on a decaying brick wall.

I will talk about Disney with my kiddos, but it’s not something I want to tweet about during my free time. Image: Thinkstock.

5 Moms I Won't Follow On Twitter

I've noticed that some moms include some pretty wild descriptors on their Twitter profiles. While some are out-there and some are just plain boring, reading them has left me scratching my head, wondering that they would waste their 140 characters on these terms.


4 Tips For Hashtagging Your Most Deeply Private Moments

For example, if you’re having gastrointenstinal distress, resist the urge to hashtag it with something generic like #diarrheacramps. Instead, include your first and last name and the date to make it your own: #LynnSmithDiarrheaCrampsFebruary2016.


#TransformationTuesday Breakup—Heartbreaking or Genius Hoax?

The web is a'buzzing with recent social media documents (HA!) proving that a high school dude dumped his girlfriend through a hashtag and Instragram picture. Is this the lamest breakup ever, or a ploy to get attention? Nancy Drew time!


Listful Thinking: 3 Ways to Avoid a Hashtag Nightmare

As the recent #MyNYPD debacle illustrates, one can never be too careful when it comes to the all-powerful hashtag.
