grey's anatomy

Television can actually save your life. Image: Thinkstock.

Netflix Marathons Can Save Your Life: Specific Shows To Watch For Specific Horrible Life Events

Sometimes I imagine what life would be like if I had lived back before glasses and contacts were invented and I couldn’t see anything and just had to fumble around blindly squinting at everything. Or before antidepressants, and I just had to spend my whole life crying in bed. Both those options still seem more manageable than living life without the ability to watch 6-10 episodes of a television show in one sitting.

We have to believe that better birth is possible. Image: ABC.

Why The Way We Portray Birth In Entertainment Matters

We are taught to fear birth from early on in our lives, and the way it’s portrayed for entertainment’s sake plays a huge, disturbing role in that.


What I Learned From Year Of Yes, Shonda Rhimes' New Book

The most important things my mother taught me included work from Neil Diamond, Billy Joel, Wham! and Whitney Houston.
