fed is best

Photo by Sean Roy on Unsplash

I Was Determined To Breastfeed, But Nothing Went As Planned

Imagining breastfeeding my baby, was my one oasis in a pregnancy during which nothing went according to plan. Read...
Photo by Andrew Branch on Unsplash

Did You "Fail" At Breastfeeding? It Might Have Contributed To Your Postpartum Depression

We need to know that the way we frame infant feeding can impact mothers, for better or worse. And we need to recognize that when we impact a mother’s feelings about herself, we impact her baby — and when we impact her baby, we impact our future.

3. You’re not neglecting your child's needs, promise.

10 Reasons Not To Feel Ashamed About Bottle Feeding

In case someone comes out of the woodwork and goes extra hard with the mom-shaming for choosing to bottle feed, here are some really important reasons not to feel ashamed.


Breastfeeding Is A Reproductive Rights Issue — And I Am Pro-Choice

There are far too many stressors involved to force breastfeeding on new mothers. And far too many challenges involved to continue to pressure women who are dealing with a multitude of other issues into choosing one style of feeding.
