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The Exploitative Mess Of "Mama June: From Not To Hot"

Mama June does not deserve to be stripped of her humanity so WeTv can have another hit program.


Take The Cake: Secret Relationships With Fat Women

When we both moved to San Francisco in our 20s, she moved to a wealthy neighborhood and I moved into a neighborhood where old men had phone sex on the pay phone at the laundromat. Our friendship threatened her world in a way that it didn’t mine. The people I knew had neither wealth to protect nor any desire to play at that game, and so their lives were inspired by a freedom I adored. The kind of freedom that allows you to talk about shitting and fucking over dinner.

"I had to reckon with the fact that people do this to other people, that men do this to women, that my body had been coopted and turned into a repository for someone else’s shame."

Take The Cake: Is Fatness A Superpower?

This week in Babecamp we were talking about Sarai Walker’s novel Dietland.

 If life is like a box of chocolates, then I’m ready indulge before someone else eats all the double fudge truffles.

Here's The Thing About Dieting: It Just Isn't Worth It

If forgoing all the foods I once loved to eat; if the hours clocked walking, swimming, and biking isn't doing it for me anymore, what will?

 If life is like a box of chocolates, then I’m ready indulge before someone else eats all the double fudge truffles.

Here's The Thing About Dieting: It Just Isn't Worth It

If forgoing all the foods I once loved to eat; if the hours clocked walking, swimming, and biking isn't doing it for me anymore, what will?

"When I think of the ways that fat people are treated as a group, I don’t know how the descriptors “hatred” and “intolerance” cannot be used to describe the behaviors that fat people deal with on a daily basis."

Take The Cake: Don't Let Anyone Make You Feel Ashamed Of Your Body

One of the things that has become exceedingly obvious to me is how our current cultural attitudes toward fat people are steeped in bigotry.

"Some fat women never risk movement at all because of shame and fear of ridicule."

Bodies In Motion: The Complicated Relationship Between Fatness & Athleticism

Some fat women never risk movement at all because of shame and fear of ridicule. There is logic in this choice. Tragic (often invisible) logic.

"Some fat women never risk movement at all because of shame and fear of ridicule."

Bodies In Motion: The Complicated Relationship Between Fatness & Athleticism

Some fat women never risk movement at all because of shame and fear of ridicule. There is logic in this choice. Tragic (often invisible) logic.
