
Being naked feels so good that I half expect it to show up as the latest Gwenyth Paltrow-backed panacea on Goop.

Whenever I Hate My Body, I Get Naked

Some days I feel like a Botticelli, some days I feel like a sexy, dumpy baby. Even when I am naked, my frame of reference is limited. I have not seen too many positive, mainstream depictions of bodies like mine.

image credit: Netflix, Puss In Boots, Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure With Netflix: Puss In Boots, Plus Some Fat Phobia

As we’d expect, there is no happily ever after here, at least not for Puss.


Where Are All The Fat Women In The Handmaid’s Tale?

Given that the only requirement to be forced into handmaiden-hood is fertility, I find it quite strange that I have seen not one handmaid who looks to be the size of the average American woman; all of them conform to the normative body requirements of Hollywood.

Image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

I Don't Give A Crap About My "Bikini Body"

I don’t remember being particularly confident about my body, I do remember thinking that I should look confident, even if I hated my thighs.

image credit: Mariah Aro Sharp @mightymooseart

We Can Talk About Being Too Thin; Why Can't We Talk About Being Too Fat?

As soon as we change the subject from thin to fat, we change the conversation from concern to hostility.

My body, this larger body of mine, has been there through everything.

How I Came To Love My Fat, Beautiful Body

Beauty and body fat percentage are not mutually exclusive.

Once upon a time, everything your body did was magic to you.

Why Do You Hate Your Body?

Your body shows up for you everyday. Why do you want to mold it and change it and tell it it’s ugly or fat or saggy or substandard. Why do you hate your stretchmarks? Why is your belly, deflated after childbirth, the object of such loathing? Why are the breasts that fed your kids not enough for you how they are?
