
Ursula doesn't give a single fuck. Not one. (Also we don't own Ursula. Disney does. Image credit: Walt and his many lawyers.)

More "Keep The Weight Off" Nonsense, P.S. DIETS DO NOT WORK

Diets fail for a reason, and that reason is: Your body is not meant to starve.

Image: Office of Response and Recovery

That Time I Stopped Using Shampoo (AKA Went Poo-Free). For Science.

You actually sort of replace your shampoo with some baking soda mixed with a bit of water and “wash” your hair with that. In this situation, wash = pouring a home remedy for dishware scorch marks over your head and crying because you miss the smell of Pantene.


Watch: Ill-Fated Wedding Party Takes an Unexpected Swim

This wedding photo fail no doubt created a lifetime memory.


Amazing Test Answers Torment Teachers, Delight Us

Ah, the glory of the fail.
