
Credit: ThinkStock

Can Interfaith Marriages Work?

The problem with interfaith relationships might not be what the partners believe in—but how strongly they believe in it.

Credit: ThinkStock

Daily FYI: You'd Have To Scream For Eight Years To Heat One Cup Of Coffee

While the sound energy produced by human voices and jack-hammers aren't that useful, their vibrations could hold the key to a new source of power.

No, obnoxiously happy couple, we don't care about your European vacation (Credit: ThinkStock)

Do You Suffer From TMItis, The Social Media Oversharing Disease?

Time to diagnose if you have "relationship-contingent self-esteem."


Let's Talk About Sex Drives, Baby: The Truth About Men, Women and Libido

A Reddit spreadsheet making the rounds is reinforcing crude stereotypes about men, women and sexual desire.


Why is STEM Still a 4-Letter Word for Women? 7 Leaders Weigh In

We asked a cell biologist, a civil engineer, a tech investor and four other amazing women to address a burning question.


Vanessa Williams Sheds Light on Female-on-Female Rape

In speaking out about being sexually victimized by a woman, Williams brings much-needed attention to an oft-dismissed facet of rape.


4 Barriers Women Need to Overcome in STEM Careers

Here's how women can empower themselves to overcome gender bias.


4 Barriers Women Need to Overcome in STEM Careers

Here's how women can empower themselves to overcome gender bias.
