
Are we just keeping an old flame in the platonic slot to act as a security blanket to come back to?

Can You Ever Be Friends With An Ex?

Once you’ve had an intimate relationship with someone, can you rewind and start again?

I’ve never felt so clean. Image: Thinkstock.

How I Discovered Healing And Self-Care By Cleaning Out My Old Crap

I was drowning in stuff, and felt constantly tired — even though I’d made an art out of trading in my old clothes at secondhand stores, minimizing expenses, and sharing apartments with strangers. Something felt fiscally oppressive despite the fact that I’ve never owned a house, a car, or anything larger than my bed.

It really IS possible to stay friends with your ex.

I'm Still Friends With My Ex (And 7 Ways You Can Be, Too)

My ex-boyfriend was a groomsman at my wedding. Not just any ex-boyfriend, either –– the last one before I met my husband-to-be. My last fling was in the audience, too, and I didn't start to cry until I walked down the aisle and saw the tears standing in his eyes. He's not a crier, either.


Things My Exes Left Behind: The Handmade Apron And The Mother In Me

The apron was a birthday gift—to both of us, really. She was the first woman to ever call me 'Mommy.'
