emotional abuse
No, hun. You are not ‘too sensitive.’ But if your partner keeps saying that, you may be experiencing gaslighting.
Read...I have no family or friends that I can go to... I don't drive, and financially I rely on him for everything. Am I in an emotionally abusive marriage?
Read...Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse. It is defined as a way to manipulate someone to make them question their own sanity.
Read...While I don’t introduce myself as “Hi I’m Nisha, and I’m divorced,” I do reveal this fact relatively quickly; actually, I brag about it.
Read...Recovery from narcissistic abuse comes in stages. The early stages are chaotic and, at times, you feel as if you have no control over your recovery.
Read...It’s going to take a while to build my self-esteem back up to where it was. But at least I know I can now recognize an emotionally abusive relationship.