Diva Cup

Despite how trendy you become or how much other women praise you, menstrual cups just aren’t for everybody.

Dear Menstrual Cup: Sorry, But We're Breaking Up For Good

Dear Menstrual Cup, we are over. Done. Finished. Finito. And not just because my period is ending. This time I mean it for good.

Can plus-size people use menstrual cups? Be prepared for a learning curve...

Can Plus-Size People Use Menstrual Cups?

Many assume that the menstrual cup doesn't work for fat people. So we're tackling the question, "Can plus-size people use menstrual cups?"


The Dubious Glory Of The Diva Cup

With the goal of period-ing like a goddamn champ, I decided to try the Diva Cup, and report back to you its various benefits. So. You’re welcome.
