The worst thought of all — if I meet someone who actually is really nice, how will I stop my anxiety from telling me they will end up being assholes?
Read...Once I learned how to discuss my bipolar disorder, I stopped defining myself by my illness and started talking about my emotions as well as my struggles.
Read...I still want to be in a relationship eventually, and have a family and all that, but right now I am happy being single, and that scares me.
Read...Life and Love with HIV hopes to shatter outdated stigmas and introduce stories of happiness, pleasure, and positivity. Loving with HIV.
Read...The following is a list — a gentle reminder, for anyone who has ever had a hard time trusting in a new relationship, and allowing someone to love them.
Read...From now on, as hard as it may sound, I’m giving less power to Instagram. I realized I was wrapping all my self-worth in attention from another person.