During a divorce, your children need you now more than they’ve ever needed you before.
Read...What does it feel like to be an anxious co-parent? What can an anxious co-parent do to feel less anxious around their ex?
Read...What if I could find a way to look forward to my kid-free time instead of dreading it?
Read...What should a custody exchange look like and how do co-parents manage to keep them peaceful and productive?
Read...Parents on the receiving end of a high-conflict, trash talking ex have an incredibly difficult job. Making space for a child to love a former partner who seems bent on destroying you is a Herculean task.
Read...It's no surprise that parents who run a tighter ship get ticked off when everything they work so hard to instill in their children goes right out the window when they go to their other parent’s home, then they have to struggle to reintegrate into the structured environment when they return.