
I love you. Image: Llywelyn Nys/Unsplash.

On Activism: An Open Letter To My Peoples

And when you're multiply marginalized and know how much work there is to be done in the struggle for liberation, how few people are doing it, and that our lives literally depend on it, it can feel like you’re letting your people down.


What It Means To Be Bisexual And Pass As Straight

While I have dated and slept with both men and women in my life, I happen to be married to a man. This fact automatically means that I “pass” in most situations, although I still identify as bisexual. People see my opposite-sex partner and assume I am straight.


Taking Boudoir Photography to New Heights With Constance & Eric

“It’s almost as though this niche was patiently waiting for us to find it.”


J.K. Rowling Defends Dumbledore, Gays, Humanity In General

We've long known that J.K.


The Problem With The "Largest Study To Date" On Infidelity

Reportedly, women and men have different views on sexual vs. emotional affairs. Let the dubious evolutionary theorizing begin.

Alright, cast your vote already! Courtesy of Lesbian Gay Whisperer

Russian Butt Pageant Quietly Undermines Putin's Anti-Gay Agenda

Kelly, can you handle it? Michelle, can you handle it? Vladimir Putin can you handle it?

He's a disco dancin', Oscar Wilde readin'. . . (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The Crazy Sex Life Of Oscar Wilde

Happy birthday to the wild Wilde!

Awww Credit: Instagram

Show's Writer Demonstrates That Once You Go Orange Is The New Black, You Never Go . . . Straight? 

OITNB writer Lauren Morelli has started dating star Samira Wiley, and says the show helped her suss out her sexuality.
