battle of the sexes


The Problem With The "Largest Study To Date" On Infidelity

Reportedly, women and men have different views on sexual vs. emotional affairs. Let the dubious evolutionary theorizing begin.

Credit: ThinkStock

Why Don't Women Appreciate Good Men?

Not all men are the same. And the battle of the sexes doesn't always need to be a battle.


Watch: What Would Happen If Men Had To Deal With Prescription Condoms?

Answer: According to this video? It would be hilarious.


Ravishly Interviews Ed Holtom, Feminist Teen Turned Internet Sensation 

What happens when a 15-year-old boy writes an eloquent letter about feminism? The world goes crazy for him.


From Limbaugh To Akin: The 5 Most Despicable Rape Quotes Of All Time

According to Rush Limbaugh, "no means yes if you know how to spot it." His disturbing quote is just the beginning.

Credit: Facebook

George Costanza Would Be Proud: That Time I Broke Up With Someone Over Their Hat

Reddit asked its users to describe their most George Constanza-tastic breakups. Here are theirs . . . and mine.

Credit: ThinkStock

Happy #WomensEqualityDay! Now Stop Bashing Men

We aren't doing anybody any favors when we berate the other gender.

"I couldn't do it—she didn't like Harold and Kumar on Facebook." Courtesy of Wikimedia

Aziz Ansari Asked, Reddit Responded: Do You Google Potential Dates?

The modern dating game allows ample room for arguably odd—and possibly creepy—amendments in the Constitution of Finding Love.
