Jessie Fetterling
Jessie Fetterling
Jessie is a writer and editor living in the San Francisco Bay Area who's covered everything from travel to sustainable living to architecture at four different media companies. When she's not traveling, she can be found hiking along the Pacific Coast or pouring Kansas City barbecue sauce on food she just cooked.
Jessie Fetterling Articles
world war ii scribe. master ball-juggler. "bad mother" . . but not. song guru. maternal force. globe-trotter.
Read...Literally, literary gossip.
Read...Only 5% of Nobel Prize winners in history have been female—making the accomplishment of these two women all the more remarkable.
Read...Who else practices sword fitness skills before a competition?
Read...photographer. farmer. advocate for women in agriculture.
Read...As a Kansas native, Governor Sam Brownback's anti-LGBT rights stance makes me embarrassed and sad.
Read...My aversion to taking the last name of my partner isn't so much about feminism, as it is about identity. love scribe. pen pal failure.
Read...Parents and Fox News are up in arms about sex-ed teachings I could've desperately used in my own youth.