Meg Boggs reached out to other mom bloggers to share their own postpartum bodies for her project This Is Postpartum. They did and the result is beautiful.
Read...According to a new study from MIT, if you do practice the whole “try, try again” thing, you’ll raise more successful kids.
Read...Yes, I said it. I’ll sing it from the rooftops and admit the one thing that many moms might feel ashamed to say out loud: I live for nap time.
Read...There’s so much going on with a postpartum mom, so much more than meets the eye, and we need to be aware of that. Stop talking about her body!
Read...A nurse in Jacksonville, FL thinks it’s hilarious to use newborns like puppets for her own amusement. This is NOT how nurses treat babies!
Read...My most precious memories are of the births of my own children, and right next to those, the memories of all the mommas and daddies and babies I have witnessed become families.
Read...We need to know that the way we frame infant feeding can impact mothers, for better or worse. And we need to recognize that when we impact a mother’s feelings about herself, we impact her baby — and when we impact her baby, we impact our future.
Read...When we see each other, we see ourselves. And when we see ourselves, we know we are strong and capable and worthy.