Ask Erin
Do people ever recover from abandonment issues? Life looks very long and very lonely from where I'm standing right now.
Read...My friends with kids seem to think I'm fair game for blow-by-blow plays about the tiniest details of their day for hours at a time.
Read...I like when a partner puts some thought and effort (and yes, a tiny bit of money, nothing to break the bank) into special occasions.
Read...I've been beating myself over the past few days, and my wife — who I love, respect, and can't live without — can’t look at me or speak to me.
Read...A trans masc friend with whom I’ve grown very close asked me whether I might be interested in dating. I've been trying to figure out how I feel about him.
Read...I’ve been trying to overcome postpartum depression for eight months, but there is no healing at all.