Ask Erin
To be quite honest, I could have most of the guys my age (around 22), but it just seems so boring to me, so common. The idea of sleeping with a married man is inviting and has a taste of danger too. Read...
He just informed my husband and me that he's not going back to school for the spring semester, and he's planning on getting married to a 53-year old -woman from our neighborhood.
I definitely have no close friends at this point. I have kind of a tough personality, so I don't get along with everyone.
I love my wife with all my heart, and I love our family. I just can’t seem to bring myself to be okay with this right now. I told her to give me time to think about it. Read...
I’m not good at getting up early, getting dressed, cleaning — any normal thing a mom should do. My mother-in-law is the opposite. She’s always up early, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, and working. Read...
I can't stop stalking him again and again by making fake accounts, using friends’ accounts, and things like that. Read...
It’s hard because even though I have accepted my flaws from the past, I'm fearful that I won't get respect from others. I also fear people will only think of me as a liar when I'm not—anymore, at least. Read...
I have, at times, mistreated him due to letting my depression (and the anger it has caused) take over. Read...