
"Our wedding took place one May morning, outside of a historic house that overlooks the river running through our college town." Image: Pixabay, Veton Ethemi

I Am An Artist Who Married Young, And I Feel Like The Only One

In art school, conversations about the merits of polyamory thrived, but hearing anyone express a genuine desire to get married almost never happened. It was almost taboo. The implication was, how could you want something so traditional? So suburban and unimaginative?

Children make me giddy, whether I’m on the subway or in the park. Image: Adrianna Calvo/Pexels.

When None Of Your Feminist Friends Want Kids

Most of my friends are my age or slightly older and yet virtually none of them want children… ever. They argue that women deserve respect and autonomy over their bodies. I passionately agree. A few of these friends are, like me, engaged or married, but even they don’t want kids. One of my engaged friends says she and her fiancé may want to adopt children later in life, after they’ve had the chance to travel extensively.


Kat Looks Back

On what her past self would think of her present self:

image credit: Lex Gjurasic

UN-Brand My Art: The Case For Creating Outside The Capitalist Box

Since the turn of the last century the art world has seen the decline of the Artist (capital A) and the rise of the “artrepreneur,” the “creative careerist” and the myriad of other fanciful terms that can all be distilled down to just “creative” (noun). I find myself cringing when I hear these terms.


Alicia Escott: Artist

Spotted: The Sunset, SF


Sonja Ahlers: Artist Of Many Trades 

From fierce bunnies to books, Sonja rocks the art world.


Ladies We Love: Deborah Kass

Inspirational Artist. Passionately Cultural.
