Spotted: in Long Beach, CA
Occupation: Yoga and wellness instructor and entrepreneur
Where are you going? To a yoga session on the bluff. Every day, yogis from the area come there do yoga together, overlooking the ocean. And it's free.
Do you prefer open-space yoga to gym yoga?
Yes. For me, the best yoga teacher is Nature. That's "Nature" with a capital "N!"
What did you have for breakfast today?
I had homemade almond chai, an organic banana, a gluten-free honey cake at the coffee shop I'm standing next to. After yoga I'm going to have a big green juice. But I'd prefer not to eat before a yoga practice.
Do you live in the neighborhood?
Sort of. I live on a boat in the marina a short drive away. Unfortunately, I'm not close enough to ride my bicycle, so I drove.
What is living on a boat like?
It's like living in a floating tree house. There are plenty of interesting characters for neighbors, too.
Where are you from originally?
I grew up in Connecticut and I've been here two and a half years.
I love your shirt! Where is it from?
American Eagle. I bought it because the fabric is soft and I like the design. It's light and it wasn't expensive.
Tell me something about your accessories.
The bangles I got in India when I lived there in 2004. The necklace was given to me by a good friend, it has a meaning—we're all connected. He lives in Portland now. We've been friends since we traveled Europe together as teenagers.
What's your number one wellness secret?
Do what makes you happy, what brings joy to your life. And relax, dance and drink green juice!
Is there anything in your life you're currently looking forward to? Something joyful?
Actually, yes! My older brother is getting married next week in northern California. I'm going to road tip up there with a friend, and then join my parents. I'm going to welcome a new sister to the family! The theme of the wedding is "Shabby chic" with straw bales and everything.