Allegedly, Botox in the scrotum can relax the scrotal sack and allow the balls to drop more, making them look more prominent. It also makes the scrotum less wrinkly.
You can get Botox in your scrotum.
OK, this is not brand new news for certain fashion forward people. Apparently, there have been people doing this at least since 2016 when Cosmo covered the procedure. But it was news to me until yesterday when my friend sent me a video from Vice detailing scrotal-Botoxing and now I’m haunted by the notion. So I’m sharing.
I’m a giver.
Let me first state that I luuuuurrrrrvvvvve Botox. I get it on the regular and I love how it evens out some annoying age-related asymmetry of my eyes. It’s awesome and I judge no one for anything they do to their body.
But needles in balls? I’m sympathy cringing and I don’t even have balls.
Allegedly, Botox in the scrotum can relax the scrotal sack and allow the balls to drop more, making them look more prominent. It also makes the scrotum less wrinkly. The guy in the video was pleased with the results and said his girlfriend was pleased as well. Same with the guy in Cosmo. So, that’s two happy customers who were willing to share their experience with the world wide web.
Now, being the curious person I am, I decided I needed some photographic proof of the effects of Botox on the scrotum so I hit up my search bar with the term “botox scrotum” and…yeah, don’t do that.
There are no before and after pictures. There were some other truly graphic (and fairly horrifying) medical photos, but nothing showing a chemically altered ballsack, so just don’t Google it. Trust me.
There was one photo on this doctor’s website so look at that if you want to see the Botox in action.
One article on scrotoxing says it costs about $1500-2000 per treatment, which is hella expensive for Botox. Seriously. I pay about $300 for my facial Botox so these ball handlers are jacking up rates well beyond the usual per-unit costs of Botox.
Anyway, if you’re going to do this please, please, please do a lot of research on your provider before going in for injections. You always want to make sure you have a qualified medical provider doing any procedure on you, and ball-tox is no exception.