It's often said that feminism was necessary once upon a time, back when women weren't allowed to own property or vote, but that we've reached equality now. Sure, jerks may still exist here or there, but the real battles are behind us. Congratulations, ladies! We live in a post-sexism society!
Except, of course, we don't. And in case you need still more proof that feminism is desperately and unequivocally needed, here are three completely horrible stories from this week alone:
1. Canadian Federal Court Justice Asks Rape Victim Why She Couldn't "Just Keep Her Knees Together."
Alberta Federal Court Justice Robin Camp has been placed under review for comments he made to a 19-year-old homeless woman about her alleged rape.
During the rape trial, Camp asked the victim: "Why didn't you just sink your bottom down into the basin so he couldn't penetrate you?” and, “Why couldn’t you just keep your knees together?" Camp also helpfully informed the victim that "sex and pain sometimes go together (and) that's not necessarily a bad thing." Shockingly, after this sage advice, Camp acquitted the alleged attacker.
While under investigation, Camp is barred from hearing cases involving rape and sexual assault, and he has volunteered to undergo "sensitivity training" at his own expense, but he continues to collect a cool $300,000 annual salary. He's really sorry, though, so I guess that's cool.
2. Actress Kate Winslet Says Hollywood Pay Gap Talk is "A Bit Vulgar."
When Jennifer Lawrence wrote her recent essay on the Hollywood pay gap, she probably expected other women to have her back. After all, they've been getting screwed out of top dollar, too. Fellow actress Kate Winslet had another take on it, however, calling all of this money talk "a bit vulgar" in an interview with the BBC.
"I don't think that's a very nice conversation to have publicly at all," said Winslet. "I'm quite surprised by these conversations to be honest, simply because it seems quite a strange thing to be discussing out in the open like that."
If Winslet hopes to one day earn more than 40 cents per dollar when compared to her male co-stars, she might want to learn to start talking money. Transparency in pay grades may be “vulgar,” but it has also been shown to reduce gender wage disparity.
3. Judge Removes Baby From Same-Sex Foster Parents, Says Baby Needs Heterosexual Parents.
A Utah judge ordered the removal of a 9-month-old baby from same-sex foster parents Tuesday, citing "research" (probably from IAmNotABigotBut.com) that children fare better with heterosexual parents.
The couple has been caring for the child as licensed foster parents for three months, and initiated adoption proceedings with the support of the child’s biological mother. Seventh District Court Juvenile Judge Scott Johansen did not provide specifics of the “research” that he said necessitated the removal of the child from the couple’s care, despite questions from attorneys for the Utah Division of Child and Family Services and the Guardian Ad Litem Office assigned to represent the child –– both of which have supported the couple's adoption petition.
Contrary to Johansen's claims, research overwhelmingly supports the strength and stability of homosexual households, and even Utah allows same-sex couples to adopt. Pretty much everyone involved in the case is looking into an appeal, but justice may not come soon enough to keep the baby in her home.