Not pictured: Sarandon, for the sake of my blood pressure.
Last night, actress and activist Susan Sarandon took to the cable-waves to sit down with MSNBC’s Chris Hayes to talk about Bernie Sanders. Sarandon has been visibly pro-Bernie for the past few months, and almost as visibly anti-Clinton. Specifically, she says she does not vote with her vagina, hence her not supporting Hillary.
I want to know how much yoga a person would have to do to be able to vote with their vagina. And kegels. Sooooo many kegels.
Chris Hayes talked to Sarandon about concerns that the most vehement Bernie supporters won’t be wiling to vote for Clinton should she become the Democratic party nominee. Sarandon agreed that there could be people who would not support a non-Sanders candidate, including herself. When confronted with the idea that the opposite of Clinton in the general election might be Donald Trump, she started talking about people who think he’d spark a revolution because that’s what we need and…
You know what? I can’t do this. I cannot sit here and take seriously the idea that Trump would give rise to a people’s revolutionary front that would remake America before our eyes. That’s dystopian novel material, not real life.
You know what is real life? The world’s oldest wombat. His name is Patrick and he’s totally adorable. He’s 30 years old and weighs 85 pounds. Wombats are like giant guinea pigs and are native to Australia. They usually only live about 15-20 years in captivity so Patrick is like the elder statesman of the wombat world. He’s way cooler than anything in American politics so I’m going to look at pictures of him until my blood pressure returns to normal.
You can follow Patrick on Facebook. You can also follow Susan Sarandon on Facebook.
P.S.: Sorry, editors. I’ll be normal and non-wombatty tomorrow. I promise.