There’s yet another reason to celebrate being a California resident! As of April 8, several forms of birth control are available directly from pharmacists without a doctor’s prescription.
According to Cosmopolitan, under the new law, people of any age can obtain birth control pills, patches, or cervical rings directly from a pharmacists without having to go to the doctor for a prescription anymore. Patients simply fill out a 20 question health survey and KABOOM! Contraception like YAY!
Some health experts are concerned that the new law will make it less likely that folks will go for annual gynecological exams, which remain important for basic health reasons. Pap smears, STD testing, and a general once over from a medical professional should be part of every health regimen. But it seems like pharmacists can easily say “Here’s your NuvaRing. Don’t forget to schedule a Pap sometime this year. Have a nice day!”
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists actually wish the law went further and made birth control over the counter: "We know from evidence and experience that oral contraceptives are safe enough for over-the-counter access. Requiring a pharmacist to prescribe and dispense oral contraceptives only replaces one barrier — a physician's prescription — with another. This is not going to allow us to reach women who remained underserved by the current prescribing requirements."
The smart people at ACOG are probably right, but it’s still a damn sight easier to run into Target on your day off and fill out a form to get birth control than it is to get to a doctor’s office or clinic, take the time for an appointment, then make a separate trip to a pharmacy to get the prescription filled. Let's not have perfect be the enemy of the good, here.
Lawmakers in several other states — New Mexico, Alaska, and Hawaii — are reportedly considering similar legislation.