Happy National Coming Out Day!
Happy National Coming Out Day!
We here at Ravishly make it a point to affirm the value of every individual, regardless of gender, sexuality, relationship status, or lack thereof. We affirm the beauty of (consensual) relationships of all kinds and celebrate the beautiful diversity of love.
So on this National Coming Out Day, we want to say we love you!
If you are out and proud, we love you!
If you are not ready to be out, we love you!
If you are not sure what or who you are, we love you!
If you want to come out but need to hold back, we love you!
If you are an ally to the LGBTQ community, we love you!
We have made so much progress in my 43 years on this planet, and I can confidently say that things in the US are better for LGBTQ folks than they have ever been in my memory. But that doesn’t mean that it’s all rainbow flags and glitter. There is much progress to be made. While I am confident that we will make it, I also know there are places where being out as LGBTQ is not safe.
If you are keeping your sexuality or gender identity to yourself because that’s the best course for you right now, please know that when the day comes for you to claim your space in the world, there is a universe of people who will love you for it (who already love you!). You may not be able to see us now, but we are here for you when you need us.
If you are out and living your best truth, please accept our shared joy in your joy. Thank you for being you!
I’ll wrap up by quoting the brilliant Lin-Manuel Miranda:
“We live through times when hate and fear seem stronger
We rise and fall and light from dying embers,
Remembrances that hope and love last longer.
And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love, cannot be killed or swept aside.”
To see the full poem recited by Lin himself, check out the video below. GRAB TISSUES.
Love is love is love. It really is.