Image: Good Clean Love.
Everything in the world is made of chemicals.
We experience exposure to thousands of chemicals daily, from our clothing to our cosmetics.
Now you can add the most intimate of items to that list: personal lubricants.
Yes, I’m talking about those over-the-counter brands for sexual activities. They’re loaded with petrochemicals, parabens, and synthetic glycerin.
This is where Wendy Strgar comes in. A mother of four with a 30-year marriage under her belt, she started experimenting with natural lubricating options in response to her own experience with painful intercourse.
Strgar forged a mission: To create a sexual well-being recipe that was natural. Along the way she wrote a book, built a blog, and has taken on the moniker of “Loveologist.”
Strgar promotes the belief that love is what it’s all about, and we need more of it. She mixes this with a dedication to the environment and corporate social responsibility. The company tagline is: “Making love sustainable and organic.”
A phone conversation with Strgar reflected her commitment to the science behind her products.
The downside of using commercial lubricants, explained Strgar, is that they lead to Bacterial Vaginosis (BV). This is a situation where an overgrowth of bacteria becomes present in the vagina. Using a petrochemical based product increases the risk of BV up to 13 times. Two in five cis women have BV, and 84 percent of those with it, are unaware they have it.
If a cis woman has BV, it can cause a low-grade infection and compromise the immune system. This in turn makes affected cis women 60 percent more susceptible to STIs and HIV infection.
Strgar discussed vaginal pH, normal levels of acidity, and the sensitivity of genital tissue. She noted the damage petrochemical ingredients have on vaginal skin, emphasizing that many of the elements in commercial brands have shown up in cancerous breast tissue. Strgar has called this a “profoundly deep problem.”
The molecular weight of lubes with petrochemicals is 30 times the weight of human tissue. Thriving vaginal cells are destroyed by the cells filled with those chemicals. Moisture is pulled out of vaginal cells, resulting in those cells being sloughed off the vaginal walls.
Good Clean Love’s top products are the Almost Naked Organic Personal Lubricant and the Bio-Match Restore, which comes with an applicator and can be used daily to moisturize.
Using a water-based recipe, the lubes are 95 percent organic, 100 percent vegan, not tested on animals, and gluten-free. They are compatible with latex and polyisoprene condoms (like SKYN), safe to use with sex toys, and during pregnancy. They are fertility-friendly.
Comments on the site showed ecstatic users — one wrote the formula had “reactivated” her sexuality. Some others spoke of a burning sensation. Strgar is constantly tweaking the formula. “I’m trying to make a product that works for as many people as possible,” she said.
Check out their aphrodisiac Love Oils, Body Candies, and link to vegan condoms by Glyde.
Then share your love.
[Editor’s Note: Lube is for everyone, regardless of gender and sexuality.]