"Nike has managed to show what the bras look like on several sizes of breast AND on bodies in motion while wearing the bras." Image: Instagram.com/NikeWomen
Breasts come in all shapes and sizes. Sports bras also come in all shapes and sizes. And now, Nike sports bra models (and their breasts) come in all shapes and sizes.
If you scoot on over to the Nike Women’s Instagram account, you’ll find some great photos for their latest line of sports bras. The captions to the photos have some good facts about bras and exercise (I learned that motion makes your boobs move in a figure-8 pattern. No wonder running in the wrong bra feels so horrible!).
But the photos tell a new and different story: the women wearing the bras aren’t your usual teeny tiny fashion model types. They look like women you’d see at any gym in America.
Only with better lighting, of course.
Model Paloma Elsesser is featured in one photo looking amazing in a white bra that screams, “Hi! I’m comfy!” to me. In another photo, yogi and body-positivity advocate Clair Fountain is shown in one of those yoga poses that resembles a pretzel, while wearing a black bra that isn’t riding up at all.
These photos touch on something that always bothers me about bra ads: they show images of a very specific size and shape of breasts, so you can never really guess at how the bra will look on other sizes and types of breasts. I’ve always said bra ads should at least have pics of the bra on natural breasts and augmented breasts just to give more perspective on what the bra can actually do.
Nike has managed to show what the bras look like on several sizes of breast AND on bodies in motion while wearing the bras. This is extremely helpful!
The photos are gorgeous, the models are gorgeous, the bras are… ok, not gorgeous, because they’re sports bras. Let’s be real. Sports bras exist to hold breasts in one place, and function beats out form every time.
But it’s refreshing to see them photographed beautifully on women of all sizes.