It’s National Pet Day, and if you’re looking for a sweet little kitty cat in Palm Beach County, Florida, have we got a story for you!
According to the Huffington Post, sanitation workers found four tiny baby kittens tied up in a plastic bag in the solid waste processing facility in Palm Beach. (Sidebar: anyone who puts baby cats in a bag and tosses them in the trash does not deserve to keep breathing the same air as normal, kitty-loving people.) The kittens were about 4 or 5 weeks old and in pretty rough shape. The sanitation workers — lovely people who I would bake a cake for if I lived in Florida — brought the kittens to a local shelter.
Shelter staff say the kittens were starving and suffering from parasites. They’re actually too young to be weaned, so shelter workers are bottle feeding them and getting them appropriate medical attention. Because the kitties went form trash to treasure, they've been named after gemstones: Garnet, Jet, Topaz, and Ruby.
The kittens will be available for adoption in about a month. The workers who dropped them off have been hailed as the "sexiest men alive" after the shelter posted a photo of them snuggling the kittens.