It’s time for you to get a new kitty to add to your household: check with your local shelter or rescue organization!
It has just been brought to my attention that June is National Adopt-A-Cat Month. The month is almost over, but there is still time for you to go adopt a furry friend if you are so inclined!
There are lots of good reasons to bring a pet into your home, especially a cat. There are also lots of awesome cat GIFs. I am going to combine those two things into Ravishly’s "Definitive List Of Reasons To Get A Cat (With GIFs)."
1. Cats are good for your health.
It’s long been known that the simple act of petting an animal can lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. But did you also know that cats can help reduce allergies for kids? And pets can help improve mood and reduce lonliness, especially among the elderly.
2. Cats can help kids with reading.
I don’t mean that cats can actually teach kids to read. That would be…well, amazing, actually. Cats and tutors? So cool. But in reality, household pets provide a patient, non-judgmental audience for young readers who can practice reading aloud to them.
3) Cats help with sleep.
I do not know why this is true, but the Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep Medicine reported that 14 percent of a study group reported sleeping better with pets around.
4) Cats are low maintenance.
Cats clean themselves, they use litter boxes without significant training, they don’t need long walks, and you can leave them home alone for work or even for a weekend without worrying too much. They’re great for apartment dwellers and people with limited ability to care for larger animals like dogs.
5) Cats will agree with you.
You know that inscrutable sphinx-like expression cats have? That is a cat silently judging everything in the world that you are also judging. Your cat will happily join you in hating that douche on the Bachelorette. They will sneer at your least favorite politicians. They will scorn your ex with you. Cats are the ultimate gossip buddies.