
Ignoring the World Cup? It May Be Because You're a Woman

Why don't ladies watch sports? And are sports-viewing habits reinforcing dangerously traditional gender roles?


Ravishly Mixtape Vol. 7—Dad Jams for Father's Day

We made you a mixtape . . . to celebrate the music-grooving men who raised us.

Any man who thinks women can't barbecue like men isn't worth his sauce.

Think Men Barbecue Better Than Women? Think Again

While Kilkenny is just one woman in one city, her success proves a salient point: any man who thinks women can't barbecue like men isn't worth his sauce.


J.Lo's Pathetic Lyrics Teach Women What Not To Do

I always thought J.Lo was a strong, independent female. Too bad her love-obsessed lyrics tell a different story.


This Week in Hillary-World: Tepid Book Reviews, a Gaffe and a Heated Exchange

Things didn't go quite as planned this week for Hills. Will the negative headlines sink her?


Angelina Jolie is Right: It's Time to Take a Stand Against Sexual Violence in War

Jolie has brought her star power to the End Sexual Violence in Conflict Summit in London. Here's why it's a worthy cause.


Ravish It: Shambhala Music Festival

This music fest on Canadian farmland is one of the hottest places to be this summer. We spoke with a key founding member to get the scoop.


Hear This: Swedish Sister Duo 'First Aid Kit' Sing 'My Silver Lining'

These are the most haunting harmonies and sweetest sounds we've heard since Simon and Garfunkel.
