Tara Eisenhard

Tara Eisenhard


Tara Eisenhard is the author of the book The D-Word: Divorce Through a Child’s Eyes and the blog Relative Evolutions. Tara is a daughter of cooperatively divorced parents as well as an ex-wife and previous partner of a divorced dad. From these life experiences came her beliefs that a marriage shouldn’t survive at the expense of its participants, and families should evolve, not dissolve, through the separation process. As a speaker, coach, mediator and ongoing student of divorce, Tara is passionate about sharing her vision and promoting a fresh perspective to allow for healthy healing. For more information, visit taraeisenhard.com

Tara Eisenhard Articles

This is for those interested in a more holistic path to emotional health after a divorce.

How To Heal The Hurt Of Divorce Without Hating Your Ex

For those interested in a more holistic path to emotional health after a divorce, read on. Below are tips to help you heal the hurt of divorce.
