Nadia Schmidtke

Nadia Schmidtke


Nadia Schmidtke is a part-time freelance writer and master's student at Rhodes University. Her passions include intersectional feminism, global politics, philosophy and mental health. She lives with some of her friends and three cats in a small South African town. 

Nadia Schmidtke Articles

"I no longer get a sense of pride from being and proclaiming to be busy, and I don’t take part in pro-burnout culture talk with others."

I Have OCPD: Here's Why You've Probably Never Heard Of It Before

I thought that my drive to perfectionism was warranted and desirable. "I am just doing what I have to do" — that's the mantra I used to motivate myself to continue to be productive, especially when I was feeling tired and tense.
