Melissa Bond

Melissa Bond


Melissa Bond began her literary career in Salt Lake City 1995 by starting the city’s very first Poetry Slam despite the death threats and the claims that she’d be escorted to the border for such heresy. In 2002, she won the Mayor’s Artist Award for the Literary Arts. In 2006, City Weekly magazine handed her a plaque that said Best Poet in Motion for tearing out Katrina soaked drywall with her bare hands and putting together a multimedia show about said drywall and the people that no longer live inside it. She was a finalist in the Western Publisher’s Association Maggie Awards for Profile writing. For the past several years, she’s been working on raising a hilarious kid with Down Syndrome and another with the normal number of chromosomes, both of whom play a big part in her newest book, Dear Little Fish. 

Melissa Bond Articles

Fatal Brain Candy: How Prescription Pills Almost Killed Me

Six months after my first benzodiazepine prescription, I was in a personal tsunami, a surge of water so deep I could barely see.
