Kelli H. Clevenger

Kelli H. Clevenger


Kelli is a freelance writer from North Carolina who lives on a small horse farm with her husband, horses, dogs, and bossy cats. With a BA in sociology and a diploma in fitness and nutrition, she enjoys writing about social issues, health and fitness, and everything in between. She has owned a weight-loss consulting business, a pet grooming business, and a wedding floral business and has published eBooks related to each pursuit. You can read more about her on her personal website.

Kelli H. Clevenger Articles

Is Your Handbag Hurting You?

Ouch. Your neck hurts. Your shoulder throbs. Girl, it might be your handbag. It may be too heavy. Big bags can be a source of jokes, but also a source of pain. Is yours hurting you?


The Art Of Arguing: Fair Fighting

Arguing is part of all relationships. Healthy arguing is a learned art. So, learn the art of fighting. And have a better relationship. And fewer sleepless nights.

Double standards exist everywhere.

Does A Double Standard Exist In Your Relationship?

Is your relationship jeopardized by double standards? Big or small, they can threaten the health of a relationship. By learning to recognize the signs, the risk can be reduced. Then you can take action to eliminate them.

Credit: ThinkStock

The Painful Condition Of Vulvodynia: Are You At Risk?

When your vajayjay hurts, you know it's going to be a bad day. . .

long hair rule

Bye-Bye To The Stupid Long Hair Rule 

Listen to your mother. I did. Briefly. She was adamant that it was wrong for a woman over 40 to wear a long hairstyle. I believed her. Then...not anymore. Not only am I over 40, my dark, curly hair is halfway down my back. Sorry, Mom. Rules are made to be broken.

Long live bangs!

Why Bangs Are Your BFF

With so many different styles, one should fit your needs. The right choice will hide forehead imperfections, while others hide blemishes on the temple area and side hairlines. Some bangs to consider:
