Katherine Emrick

Katherine Emrick


Katherine Emrick is a Los Angeles based writer and doula with focus on sexual assault survivor advocacy. She is the creator of the blog and social media movement Motherhood Rising  and advocates for equal rights and transparency in the media. You can follow her on Instagram  Facebook, and Twitter 

Katherine Emrick Articles

Overcoming these fears will take time.

Owning My Body After Sexual Assault

Sixteen years have passed since my last sexual assault, and before now, I had an incredibly healthy sex drive. The past year has been the hardest year for us. All of the memories of being assaulted came back more clearly, and the feelings of fear came rushing back with them.

We waded through this uncomfortable place in our relationship.

I Knew It Was Time To Wean When Breastfeeding Became A Trigger 

When the time came, I knew. I felt it in my gut, and in my body, each time my muscles tensed up at her request to nurse.
