Jacqueline Boxx

Jacqueline Boxx
Jacqueline Boxx is the only Tucson burlesque performer who brings her wheelchair, her canes, and her leg braces on stage and makes them both visible and enticing. Her background before disability involved trapeze, hooping, cabaret, theater, bellydance, swing dance, ballet, and numerous other kinds of performance art, including touring with The Dresden Dolls as part of their Brigade. Her mobility decreased gradually and these performance outlets lessened as well. However, linking up with Tucson's Black Cherry Burlesque and participating in their Burlesque for the Soul program altered her understanding of what burlesque performance could mean. She now combines her performance art with her background as a M.A. in Literature and current P.h.D. candidate in order to alter conceptions of disability through her writings, speaking engagements, and workshops on mindful movement in addition to her stage acts.Jacqueline's acts are all related in some way to her experience with chronic pain and limited mobility, and she strives to bring attention through glamour and spectacle to disability. Her extended tagline expresses this intention: Miss Disa-burly-TEASE!
Jacqueline Boxx Articles
I understand that a lot, if not all, of the incredulity at the femmes who fancy themselves up is veiled insecurity about alternative forms of self-expression. But I hereby solemnly swear that I do not and have never viewed my female friends who choose the path of fewer accessories as lacking in feminine graces. There are so many ways to be a woman. I feel like that’s so essential that it should be a mantra, a giant blazing sign in the sky: There are so many ways to be a woman.