Holly Fox

Holly Fox


Holly's articles have appeared on Ravishly, Huffington Post, The Glow, and Yahoo! She has a blog, http://hollyelizabethfox.com and book coming out in in the spring/summer 2015, Miracle Mindfulness: The Beginner's Guide to A Course in Miracles Workbook For Students. She is a writer, empathic advisor and lives in Walnut Creek, CA.   Photo credit: Jim Vetter

Holly Fox Articles

Pam Grout: Bestselling Author of E-squared

acclaimed writer. adventurer. believer in a beautiful world.

Things every Brazilian waxer wishes you would stop doing.

5 Things Every Brazilian Waxer Wishes You Would Stop Doing

Please do not have sex before your appointment. We can tell when you do. Here are other things every Brazilian waxer wishes you would stop doing.
