Carrie Saum
Carrie Saum Articles
I am not here for your betterment. I am not here to be your dumping ground for all of your thoughts and fears. You are not entitled to my emotional labor!
Read...SLEEP IS REALLY IMPORTANT. Here ar six ways to help make your sleep sacred.
Read...Because here's the thing. Kindness is the antidote to the poison being pedaled by the Trumps of the world. Your anger is valid and important, and your despair should never be overlooked. And you can be all of the things, feel all of the feelings, ardently and vigorously defend the most vulnerable among us, say all of the words you need to say, and act with an undercurrent of kindness.
Read...On a whim, I grabbed some feta cheese at the store and fresh parsley. Then a few sweet peppers, cucumbers, garlic, yogurt, dill and mint found their way into my cart, as well. What transpired was nothing short of an absolute inspiration.
Read...As white feminists, we have an absolute and undeniable responsibility to seek out perspectives of marginalized people and gain understanding.
Read...Apparently, there's a thing happening in Houston this weekend. A sportsball game of some sort and people are super excited about it.
Read...Last year, Ashton Kutcher tweeted about the Teal Pumpkin Project for Halloween. The food allergy community lost its damn mind in the best way.
Read...Everyone's favorite candy holiday is just around the corner. And I have to tell you, I'm feeling like one of those mythical Pinterest creatures tha
Read...In celebration of the first juicy strawberries of the season, I make a special treat. These chocolate covered strawberries are anything but ordinary.
Read...One of the very best gems my friend brought to me were these goat cheese medallions. I couldn’t wait to try them and now share them with you.