Beulah Maud Devaney

Beulah Maud Devaney


Beulah Maud Devaney is a freelance writer and social media specialist (yes, really). She lives in Amsterdam and writes about books and feminism. She also has a daily literary newsletter called The Redhead Reads.

Beulah Maud Devaney Articles

Credit: ThinkStock

Helpful Spring Cleaning Advice From Gothic Novelist Shirley Jackson

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your neighbors are watching. They know what you did and what they need to do. So let them.


Things You Can Do To Support Your Local Domestic Violence Shelter

The sad fact is that most local shelters are underfunded and reliant on individual donations. Supporting your local shelter is important. Aside from calling your local shelter directly and asking what their specific needs are, here is a list of things you can do:

Credit: ThinkStock

How To Talk To Childless Women

A woman who says she doesn't want kids will probably change her mind later: It's your duty to inform her of this fact.
