Amanda Lauren

Amanda Lauren
Amanda Lauren Articles
The installation is a tribute to different groups of abused and repressed women throughout the world.
Read...If you are buying for someone really special, you want to choose something meaningful and useful. While everyone has their own interpretation of the word “feminist,” the criteria for this list was that the product had to be either designed by a woman, produced by a women-owned business, or benefit women's causes in some way. No matter what you choose, your feminist mother (or sister, aunt, grandma, wife) will not only be happy with her gift — it'll align with her personal politics.
Read...As women, we all know the difficulty of surviving challenges and discovering our truth. And if your father happens to be George Carlin, that doesn’t make it any easier.
Read...Some of the lines are limited edition or only available in certain locations, but the very fact that these designers are choosing to make clothing for Islamic women, has an impact. While it taps into a big market that is projected to spend $484 billion on clothing and footwear by 2019, it also takes a stand against hate.
Read...Being a couple is about achieving the same goals, whether it’s to cook dinner, assemble IKEA furniture, or build a whole big life together. If you aren’t working towards the same goals (or can’t figure out how to use those miniature screwdrivers), then you aren’t with the right person.
Read...He revealed what really goes down behind the scenes and confirmed our suspicions about how reality television is produced.
Read...I sat down with Molly to discuss her writing, the entertainment industry, rehab, and the less glamorous side of Hollywood.
Read...Warning: The following is not an April fool’s joke. This week, the U.S.
Read...Although Obamacare exists, it doesn’t guarantee that all women are actually insured. Whether your employer doesn’t offer it (some small businesses are exempt) or the cost is too high for you, it can be frustrating when finances prevent you from taking control of your own body.
Read...Why did Kleinfeld treat me like I was buying a used car, and let me leave the store with nothing but a headache (and, frankly, a hankering for some Valium)?