Amanda Koehn

Amanda Koehn


Amanda Koehn is a blogger and freelance writer based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She writes about social science, culture, and the environment.

Amanda Koehn Articles

Study Shows Conservatives Are More Easily Grossed-Out Than Liberals

Political affiliation is rooted in some very strange, and very interesting, neuroscience.


Get Your Goodbyes In Now: Tropical Fish Are In Hot Water, Face Extinction

By 2050, it could be curtains for 802 species of tropical fish near the equator.

Credit: Thinkstock

When Belief Doesn’t Translate To Action: Our Twisted Relationship With Climate Change

Does caring about climate change have anything to do with cutting down emissions? That relationship actually isn't so clear.


Neuroscience Proves What We've Known All Along: Gender Exists On A Spectrum

A new study reveals evidence of a neurological distinction between gender identity and biological sex.


Are Personality Quizzes Psychological Hogwash?

From Myer-Briggs to Buzzfeed, why do we rely on quizzes to provide a sense of worth?
