
Let's Get Real: Is Your Cell Phone Addiction Dangerous?

We've been asking the question. And now we're asking it again: what health risks do we face by keeping our cell phones pressed against our bodies nearly 100% of the time?


It's Women's History Month: Time to Give Abortion Providers Some Much Deserved Recognition

It’s Women’s History Month, and with the emphasis on providing profiles of prominent female figures, it’s easy


Skinny Fat: It's a Thing

Congratulations, we have another thing to worry about. Kids, welcome to "skinny fat."


Diet Slam of the Week: Eat Like a Cavewoman, Lose Weight Fast!

New research has killed the buzz on the Paleo diet, the latest get-skinny-quick phenom.


Workout Wisdom: How Your Tunes Affect Your Tush

We all know it, we’ve all done it — that song comes on mid-run, jump, push or lift and suddenly you’ve got that extra ‘umph you need to finish stro


Straight-A Students + Anorexia: Where Perfectionism and Eating Disorders Collide

UK prep-school teens are being driven to anorexia. Here are some surprising reasons why a desire to be perfect causes negative body issues.
