On Tuesday, Khloe Kardashian stepped out, alongside sisters Kourtney and Kim, in her usual statement fashion — only this time she, erm, spelled it out for us.
Donning a floor-length, faux fur coat, Khloe turned around to reveal the phrase, “F*ck Yo Fur” spray-painted in red across her back. Clear, much?
But what had us glued to the screen wasn’t the star’s anti-animal cruelty message — it was that her two sisters were wearing real fur next to her. Gasp! How?!
Now, we’re just going to be honest. The Kardashians aren’t, well, the most fascinating subject to us. So why all the excitement? We happen to think the second, less-obvious-but-more-important message the Kardashians sent on Tuesday might just be the solution to world peace. Hear us out, ok!?
Khloe clearly has a passion for this anti-fur business. We don’t exactly know all the details. We can just tell she’s not really down with the whole thing.
What caught our eye was the fact that she took the opportunity to give her cause a shout out without shunning her sisters (Khloe previously cut ties with PETA after they flour bombed Kim, tweeting “How can u ask 4 non cruelty yet u attack my sister? No thanks! Won't be apart of your bullying ways. I have my beliefs but I respect the choice of others. I don't bully people into sharing the same beliefs as me”). That her sisters chose to don dead carcasses didn’t seem to cause a worry in Khloe — and perhaps that’s how it should be. A difference of opinion doesn’t have to entail a lack of respect, and that’s just what the Kardashians reminded us of.
We have to say, it was pretty cool to see a subtle (not-so-subtle) protest without all the dramatics (PETA in particular wins the award for Xanax-inducing anxiety fits) — so for now, Kardashians, you’ve got our nod and smile.
Image: Wikimedia